
Konferencja Road to Value Based Healthcare

I Międzynarodowa Konferencja
pt.: "Road to Value Based Healthcare"


11 czerwca odbyła się I Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Road to value based healthcare”, poświęcona implementacji zasad VBHC w ramach polskiego systemu ochrony zdrowia. Podczas wydarzenia zaprezentowany został raport o tym samym tytule. W wydarzeniu udział wzięli zagraniczni eksperci, przedstawicieli administracji rządowej oraz ośrodków akademickich.


  • Związek Pracodawców Innowacyjnych Firm Farmaceutycznych INFARMA
  • Europejska Federacja Przemysłu i Stowarzyszeń Farmaceutycznych EFPIA
  • International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ICHOM


W ramach konferencji zaprezentowane zostały cztery główne sesje obejmujące:

  • wprowadzenie do koncepcji Value Based Healthcare
  • standaryzację pomiaru wyników zdrowotnych u pacjentów
  • narzędzia badawcze oraz metody gromadzenia danych niezbędne do realizacji opieki zdrowotnej opartej na wartości
  • finansowanie w oparciu o efekty w całym cyklu terapeutycznym.

Agenda konferencji Road to Value Based Health Care.

Podsumowanie konferencji Road to Value Based Health Care.

Prezentacje z konferencji są dostępne na dole strony.

Raport Value Based Healthcare


Podczas konferencji został również przedstawiony raport stanowiący materiał edukacyjny o Value Based Healthcare (VBHC) wraz ze wskazaniem przykładów implementacji tej koncepcji z Polski i ze świata.

Raport, docelowo będzie materiałem wyjściowym do dalszej dyskusji o VBHC oraz szczególnej roli przemysłu farmaceutycznego w jej wdrażaniu.

Pobierz raport.

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W konferencji wzięli udział wybitni światowi eksperci w dziedzinie Value Based Healthcare, jak również liczni przedstawiciele polskich instytucji rządowych i badawczych instytucji publicznych, w tym Ministerstwa Zdrowia.


Dr Neil Bacon, MD and FRCP

President and CEO of ICHOM

Dr Neil Bacon is the President and CEO of ICHOM and joined in October 2018.
Dr. Bacon is an Oxford and Harvard trained nephrologist, with a distinguished clinical and academic career, and brings unique experience of strategic leadership at the intersection of healthcare, data, and technology. In 1996, Dr Bacon founded Doctors.net.uk, which has become one of the world’s largest online medical networks used by nearly one quarter of a million physicians worldwide to rapidly obtain clinical information, education, medical news, and career opportunities. In 2008, Dr Bacon founded iWantGreatCare, an independent organization enabling patients to rate and review their doctors, dentists, hospitals, after-care facilities, and medications where he was CEO. With reviews from more than 5 million patients in 23 countries, iWantGreatCare has become a powerful tool for driving health care improvement worldwide. In recognition of his ground-breaking contributions utilizing the Internet to improve healthcare, he was named a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in London in 2015.

Elizabeth Maclean

Programme Manager, ICHOM

Elizabeth is Programme Manager based in the London office. Prior to joining ICHOM, she was the Research Coordinator for the International Centre for Migration, Health and Development where she conducted research, training and advocacy activities to improve knowledge and understanding of various health and social topics related to migration. Elizabeth has a degree in Physiological Sciences from the University of Oxford where she specialised in neuroscience and molecular medicine, and an MSc in International Healthcare and Management, with a focus on maternal health.




Thomas Allvin

Executive Director for Strategy and Healthcare Systems, EFPIA

Thomas Allvin is Executive Director for Strategy and Healthcare Systems at the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), where his responsibilities includes developing EFPIA’s policies for data-driven, outcomes-based and sustainable healthcare systems. Before joining EFPIA in 2015, Thomas was Health Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union, representing Sweden in the Council working parties for public health and pharmaceuticals & medical devices, and previously worked in several positions in the Swedish Ministry of Health and the Swedish Parliament.



Douglas Gregory

Chair of EFPIA Working Group on Healthcare Systems
Executive Director, European Union Government Affairs, Amgen Inc.

Douglas Gregory is Executive Director, European Union Government Affairs at Amgen. He is responsible for coordinating and advancing Amgen interests to the EU Institutions and to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Amgen participates in industry associations and other platforms such as the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Association (EFPIA), EuropaBio, the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE), the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU and Business at OECD (BIAC). Mr. Gregory chairs the EFPIA Working Group on Healthcare Systems and is an active contributor to the OECD’s work on innovation and technology as well as health.
With 30 years of experience in public policy advocacy, Mr. Gregory builds relationships with key stakeholders based on relevance, thought leadership, integrity and trust. He has provided expert testimony to the European Parliament, The World Trade Organisation (WTO), The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Commission for Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Amgen is inscribed in the Joint Transparency Register of the European Parliament and the European Commission. Mr. Gregory is accredited to the European Parliament. Mr. Gregory is a citizen of Belgium and Canada.


Andrzej Rys

Health Systems and Innovation Director – European Commission

Andrzej Rys, graduate of Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland), is the current Director responsible for health systems, medical products and innovation at the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety in the European Commission. He is member of Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Governing Board and alternate member of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) Board.
Until 2011, Andrzej was Director for health systems and products at the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety and until 2006 Director for public health and risk assessment at the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers in the European Commission.
Andrzej was founder and Director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer and of the School of Public Health at Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland). From 1999 to 2002 he was Deputy Minister of Health in Poland and member of the Polish accession negotiators team.


Dr Paul Buss

Medical Director, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, NHS Wales

Dr Paul Buss, a consultant Paediatrician since 1993, is based at the Royal Gwent Hospital Newport and has been involved in clinical management roles since 2003. His previous role was Assistant Medical Director of Quality and Professional Standards for Aneurin Bevan Health Board.
He is currently also chair of the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group, developing an Policy on the usage of medicines, Co-payment policy.
Dr Buss has an interest in the alignment of clinical policy with evidence based, financially sound, decision making and the need to increase senior clinical involvement in decisions relating to NHS resources.  He is a council member of the Institute for Costing Value and sits on the UK Responsible Officer Reference Panel for the General Medical Council.



Dr Burkhard Beyer

Consultant Urologist and CMIO, Martini-Klinik

Dr Burkhard Beyer started his career as a trained nurse. After attending medical school, he became urologist in Germany and Switzerland. Since 2011 he is a staff member at Martini-Klinik, Prostate Cancer Center Hamburg, Germany. As a consultant urologist he is responsible for the medical care and information of patients in the outpatient department. In addition, he takes care of the medical and scientific development of the clinical database of Martini-Klinik which contains clinical- and patient-reported outcome data from more than 28.000 prostate cancer patients.



Yannik Schreckenberger

Managing Director, Heartbeat Medical

Yannik co-founded heartbeat in 2014. He is a physicist by background and has worked as a health-tech entrepreneur for over a decade. Heartbeat is the leading solution for digital PRO collection in Germany and Switzerland, working with the largest hospital chains and major university hospitals. They have tracked over 80.000 patients across a wide variety of medical areas and are an ICHOM Technology Affiliate since 2017. More infos on www.heartbeat-med.com.





Matt Hickey

Originally from New Zealand, Matt is a Senior Radiotherapist, entrepreneur and CEO of both Intacare International limited and the Health Value Partnership. With 15 years of experience Matt has an exceptional track-record in computational design and digitization of healthcare services.
Matt’s company, Intacare, is an AI and data science company dedicated to precision healthcare research and developing computer-assisted clinical risk prediction and decision support solutions that optimise outcomes for multiple stakeholders.
Matt’s other company, The Health Value Partnership, is focussed on healthcare benefits realisation consultancy, supporting industry to identify value erosion and optimise outcomes in VBHC initiatives.
In 2013, Matt was a finalist in the International New Zealander of the year awards where he was recognised for his  work in advancing cancer outcomes research and technology globally.
Matt is now a member of the All.Can Research and Development Committee, supporting All.Can in patient-centric outcomes research and supporting ICHOMs in delivering a multi-country outcomes assessment programme.
Matt also consults to insurance companies and government in a variety of countries on developing value-based healthcare solutions for outcomes-based commissioning and cost business development and cost management. Currently, Matt is strategic advisor to AXA PPP and Vitality UK, and Southern Cross Health Society, New Zealand,
Until March 2018, Matt was International Director of Health Economics and Clinical Strategy for GenesisCare UK, a group of 55 cancer centers across UK, Spain and Australia.
Prior to Genesis, Matt was Cancer Healthcare Manager for BUPA UK.


Rachel Tesfaye

Programme Manager

Rachel joined ICHOM in April 2018 as an Implementation Project Leader, and is based in the London office. Prior to joining ICHOM, Rachel was Healthcare Product Lead and Project Manager for GlobalData – a data, analytics, and consultancy company. Rachel holds a BSc (Hons) in Pharmacology with Industrial Placement from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Through her collaborations in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, Rachel has developed a drive and enthusiasm for understanding and improving patient outcomes and she continues this in her implementation role at ICHOM.




Mandy van Rosmalen

MANP, Erasmus MC Rotterdam

Mandy Van Rosmalen is a nurse practitioner specialized in breast cancer. She has worked closely with patients at Erasmus University Medical Centre to collect PROMs/clinical outcome measures and use this information to improve patients’ care and engage them in shared decision making.



Léa Marais

Director International Operations at heartbeat medical

Lea Marais is an independent consultant on VBHC for Five Points Digital Health and has recently joined Heartbeat Medical as their Director of International Operations.
Prior to this, Lea was part of the ICHOM Implementation Team and ran multiple VBHC initiatives across the globe. She also has over five years of experience at IXICO where she led the development of an integrated patient-centred digital healthcare platform for dementia care aiming to capture, analyse and visualise clinical and real-world patient and carer outcome data to provide actionable information to clinical and social care teams, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, payers and life science research.

Michel Taal

Co-founder, i2i

Michel is founder and director at i2i, responsible for product development and innovation. Prior to i2i Michel worked as a consultant for McKinsey with a focus on healthcare and obtained a MSc in Theoretical Physics from the University of Amsterdam.







Vinciane Quoidbach

Public Health and Policy, Research Project Manager, European Brain Council

Vinciane Quoidbach is Research Project Manager for the Value of Treatment for Brain Disorders Study at the European Brain Council.
Prior to this position, Vinciane worked in both public and private sector, at national and international level. She served the Belgian Federal Public Service Health, and the Federal Minister of Health Cabinet as Advisor in charge of public health policy and regulations development in the area of Cancer, Chronic Diseases and Rare Diseases as well as the Biopharmaceutical Company AbbVie as Health Initiatives Manager. She also worked for the World Health Organization  in Geneva, Swizterland as Technical Officer, Non communicable diseases and mental health cluster.
Vinciane holds a Master Degree in Hospital and Healthcare Management from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management and a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Management from Manchester Business School. She also holds a Master Degree in Political Sciences and European Studies from University of Antwerp.

Pobierz plik Rozmiar
Agenda konferencji Road to Value Based Health Care 0,27 MiB
Raport Droga do Value Based Health Care 24,9 MiB
Infografika - podsumowanie raportu 3,17 MiB
Prezentacja Neil Bacon.pdf 0,7 MiB
Prezentacja Vinciane Quoidbach.pdf 2,71 MiB
Prezentacja Rachel Tesfaye.pdf 25,02 MiB
Prezentacja Elizabeth Maclean nr 1 1,72 MiB
Prezentacja Elizabeth Maclean nr 2 0,62 MiB
Prezentacja Burkhard Beyer 5,46 MiB
Prezentacja Andrzej Ryś 14,7 MiB
Prezentacja Matthew Hickey 3,17 MiB
Prezentacja Yannik Schreckenberger.pdf 1,36 MiB
Prezentacja Mandy Van Rosmalen 2,71 MiB
Prezentacja Michel Taal 1,01 MiB

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